It's been 7 months since my whole world changed, both physically and mentally. I am now a mom. My priorities have shifted; my body has shifted, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. The pressure to lose the baby weight right away can be unbearable and I find myself constantly beating myself up for not being able to fit back into my wardrobe by now. I mean it's been 7 months! How am I still 10 lbs away from my starting weight?! Oh that's right, my whole life changed and I'm still figuring this whole "mom" thing out. But can we take a minute and celebrate that I already took off 45 lbs (yes, I gained 55 lbs, don't judge) since the day before I gave birth?
I keep telling myself, "Just put your head down, make it a priority and it will happen". Of course that's easier said than done. Before I got pregnant, all I had to do was meal plan during the week and run after work. I could even have cheat days and skip runs! My biggest excuse would be, "I just washed my hair, so I'll have to run tomorrow". Now, I have new obstacles excuses that center around my baby. I come home from work, she needs to be changed, fed, bathed, then changed again and put to bed. By the time that's done, it's 7:30 and I haven't even thought about dinner. Well, since nothing has been started and I don't want to eat at 8:30, one of us will walk to Subway or drive through somewhere. Now it's 8:00 and I definitely can't run now because I have a full stomach and it will be dark soon. Not only am I not running, but I just ate fast food! So alas another day comes and goes, and I did nothing to forward my progress. Not to mention, my wallet is taking a hit from all these quick meals because I'm not cooking or grocery shopping.
No better time than now for a good dose of "Thinspiration". What better way to get motivated than to bust out all my favorite Lilly dresses that I haven't been able to wear in 2 years? I even took it one step further and decided to try them all on. It actually wasn't as bad as I had feared, but the reality is half my wardrobe still doesn't' fit me. And as much as I would like an excuse to buy new clothes, I need to make these ones work (remember the whole budget thing I just finished talking about?!).
So what am I going to do about it? I'm going to start by taking it one pound at a time. Every 5 lbs will be a new goal. I'm going to make the time to run. I signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon (my second time running it) so now I have something to train for that will force me to run. And lastly, I'm working really hard on drinking tons of water during the day, not eating out for lunches and cooking more at home.
Now I need your help. I'm going to start my weekly weigh-ins again and post my progress AND struggles right here. If a Thursday has come and gone and there has been no update, please please please call me out. I need to be held accountable! After all, nothing worth having is easy. I CAN DO THIS!