
Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 20 Update

Where is the time going?! I'm so thrilled to be officially halfway through with my pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying every moment, but I'm not a patient person and all this waiting has me going crazy! Why can't the stork just drop babies on our doorstep and be done with it?! You see, all I want is to meet our newest family member in person! I know this time is magical and I shouldn't wish it away, but sometimes I feel like there are a lot of "can not's" with pregnancy and I'm ready for the limitations to be lifted! Either way, I know this second half is going to be fun. Flutters will turn into kicks and the reality of it all will start to sink in. I'm ready, bring on the next 20!

How far along?: 20 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Banana
Total weight gain/loss: 17lbs
The Bump: This week I think I actually started to show to people other than my friends and family.
Symptoms: Who knew that an extra few pounds would already start taking a toll?! My feet and my lower back really start to ache when I'm on my feet for long periods of time.
Food Cravings: Depends on the time of day whether I want salty or sweet. Nothing crazy, yet.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope!
Sleep: Had a few restless nights this week, but nothing to complain about.
What I miss: Feeling human. My emotions have been getting the best of me lately, which is new, but even more so frustrating!
Weddings Rings On or Off: On
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Still Charlotte Noel. I'll let you know if anything changes.
Gender Prediction: Girl! That's what we were told at 16 weeks. I have an ultrasound this week, so I'll let you know if anything changes.
Movement: This week I was able to tell for certain that those tiny little flutters were movement. It's so fun to feel her rolling around!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly maternity. Who wouldn't want to wear stretchy pants when given the opportunity?!
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: Finally feeling for certain some serious movement!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Getting to get a good look at our little girl on Tuesday!

Linking up with Molly and Carly for Funday Monday!
still being [molly]


  1. Still looking beautiful, mama! I'm having difficulty sleeping as well. Got a body pillow and it does help, but still not great. xoxo

  2. Looking so cute with your bump! We have our ultrasound tomorrow too! I can not wait to see what baby is and to see him/her again!!

  3. Looking awesome! LOVE your 50% loading bar on the chalkboard this week. Adorable. :)

  4. How exciting! I am 17 weeks with my first right now. I'm a big bunch of emotions :)

  5. You look fantastic, you have 'the glow' my friend! Glad to hear you aren't having any food aversions.

    Elizabeth The Bradleys

  6. Stopping by from link up. I'm your newest follower.
