
Friday, August 16, 2013


Tomorrow is an exciting day for me. Why you ask? Well, I will officially be halfway done with my pregnancy! I really can't believe how fast time is going by. Although I don't like the reality check it's giving me to get stepping on prepping not only physically but mentally for this baby. I think these next 20 weeks are going to be fun though!

The work week seemed to drag, but still have plenty to high five about!
  1. With how nice the weather has been lately, there is nothing better to do than go to an outside concert! Tonight we are seeing Josh Groban with some friends. I really can't wait!
  2. We had game night at our house over the weekend, and this little girl owned all of us in Apples to Apples! She didn't even know half the cards because of her generation but still managed to play them appropriately. Of course, we couldn't resist snapping this picture. It was all too perfect.
  3. I missed putting a picture of Milo up last week, so here is a good one. The positions cats find comfortable really crack me up!
  4. To you this probably doesn't look like much, but to me this is a major accomplishment! I managed to wash all the clothes, but folding and putting them away has been a daunting task hanging over my head all week. I finally manned up and got 'er done!
  5. If you don't know by now, I'm obsessed with bows. And now that we are going to be having a little girl, it's only fitting that she too rock the bows. This week was a major breakthrough in my bow making skills. I finally perfected the bow I've been trying to make all along. So here is the start of Charlie's bow collection!
Pretty excited for this weekend and even into the week. Football games, relaxing and time with friends to make for a fun few days ahead! Oh yeah, and let's not forget about this glorious weather! I just wish it was here to stay. Oh well, a little taste is better than none at all, right?

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!
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  1. That kitty picture is way too cute! Have a great weekend!

  2. halfway through! yay! the second half is definitely better. so neat that you have a January due date, too!

  3. I just found your blog and am loving all the inspiration you have! I have just decided to start up a blog. Do you have any tips on getting things set up? Thanks!
