
Friday, October 19, 2012

High Five - October 19

  1.  So happy I completed my Half Marathon with a PR of 2:17!
  2. Got to grab a quick glass of wine while on the job on Tuesday afternoon. I enjoyed taking a quick 20 minutes and sitting by myself with my wine and a fire. It's the little things!
  3. After the race on Sunday (and Friday, don't judge!), we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant to get big beers and queso!
  4. My sister and her adorable family got some pictures done by B.L. Penfold Photography. I am in love with these two girls!
  5. Fall is my favorite and I am so happy to live in a place where we get all the seasons! I got this picture while sitting in traffic on my way home from work. Makes the commute a little better. 
Looking forward to next week. I will share my Army 10 miler results with you AND I'm going to......VEGAS! I'm going only for a few days and its for work, but it's still Vegas right?! Follow me on instagram to see what I'm up to! Mbolt16
As always, linking up with Lauren and Jeannette.

Photobucketlife rearranged


  1. WOW, your half marathon time is amazing!! way to go. your blog is darling and we are your newest followers, come follow along at ! XO

  2. Sounds like you had a blast and congrats on the Half Marathon- that deserves Mexican food!!
    Helene in Between, formerly Do Dallas Cheap!

  3. Fall is my favrotie too!

    kudos on running a half-marathon and the great time!!

    happy friday!

  4. Whaaaaaat VEGAS!?! When?
