
Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day! - YOLO Monday

Don't you just LOVE 3-day weekends?! There is no better feeling in the world then waking up in a fluster that you are going to be late for work only to realize that you have the day off! Well sort of, I am working my part-time job (home decor store) tonight at 5:30. I get to take advantage of the day and catch up on some much needed housework and quality time with the husband.

Enough of that, let's get to the weekend update! We had my family over on Saturday for our Fantasy Football draft. It was the first time for most of us, so it ended up being quite a learning experience! I'm pretty excited about my team!

My sister and her husband came over with my two nieces so that was super fun. Here are some pictures of the day:

 No party is complete without Minnie Mouse cookies! Thank you Pillsbury for creating such a masterpiece.

 Happy 5 Months, Hadleigh! I can't believe how big she is getting! Look at that smile!

Rae decided to "borrow" Hadleigh's car seat. (left) I can't believe she is as big as she is! Where is the time going? I remember watching her when she actually fit in the car seat! (right) Please ignore the blackness that is my hair.

Confession: I promised that I would have a picture of the completed Pinterest inspired dress for today, but I failed. I have had one heck of a time with it. I think the fabric was too think and so it didn't lay right. Then, I went to take in the sides to make it more fitted and that's where things got out of control. I'm not giving up just yet, but I might need to call in the reinforcements (mom) for some help. If all goes well, I might have it finished in time for 4th of July 2013! 

 Pinterest inspired (left) My version (right)

Of course I can't end this post without a cute Milo picture! This is where I found him yesterday, hiding in the china hutch.


Linking up with Molly @ still being [Molly] for YOLO Mondays.


  1. awww it looks like you had a great weekend!! and you got this, girl. that dress is gonna be fab when you're done with it!

  2. i love that the minnie mouse cookies were served on a pluto plate. so cute!

  3. love the minnie mouse cookies :) and I think your Pinterest dress is looking like it's going in the right direction!!

  4. I had no idea minnie mouse cookies even existed! What a great idea!! And from the picture it looks like your dress is coming along nicely! I can't wait to see the finished product! And Milo is adorable!
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