
About Me

I am a 20 something professional living in the suburbs of Washington, DC with my husband. We've been married since 2010 and bought our first house back in Janurary of 2012 and expanded our family by one in January of 2014!

I work for a small company as a Marketing Coordinator and
have been doing that since 2009. I love the people I work with and am so blessed to be in the position I am. My hobbies include Disney, dancing, running, crafting, and now blogging! Here are some questions that will help you to get to know me a little better.

Where are you from?
My father was in the Navy so I spent my childhood moving around. We were fortunate and were able to spend 9 years (not consecutive) in the Washington, DC area. Other than that I've lived in FL, CA, and RI (not very exciting, I know).

Why did you start this blog?
I have a ton of different hobbies and goals I want to achieve and this was one place where I thought I could put everything. It helps me to be held accountable for my marathon training, unfinished projects and acts as just a general place to post all the many adventures in my life.

How did you meet your husband?
This is a super long story, but we met in college (Christopher Newport University) one night when I was an RA and his best friend was the Police Aid who relieved me from duty one night. I thought he was sweet, funny, and very similar to me so I stuck around and sat at the front desk all night. Only problem was, it was exam week and we were all getting ready to go home for the summer and I was taking the next semester off to do an internship with Disney. So I told myself this wasn't going to be able to go anywhere for a while. I did find out that night that he liked Disney and while I was on my internship he visited me and we got to become pretty close as friends. We talked nearly everyday and as soon as the semester was over and I was back at CNU, we decided to give dating a try. And there you have it, the rest is history!

Why do you love Disney so much?
As you see from the previous question, Disney is one of those common interests between my husband and I so it will always hold a special place in my heart. It is where we got engaged and married! We also take a few trips a year there as vacation. So if you are planning a trip and need some tips or advice, please let me know. I love helping people with their trip planning!

I hope that helps clear up some questions you may have for me! If you think of any others, feel free to ask!


  1. Hi! I saw your button on Megalin's (My Random Lovelies) blog. When I saw that you were wearing a Redskin's jersey in your picture I knew I needed to know you. haha I can't wait to read more of your blog! (And congrats on your pregnancy!)

  2. So nice to meet you!
    I just came across your blog!
    I am super excited to have found it!
    I am now following you!
    Looking forward to getting to know you better!


  3. I saw your comment on Robin The Sunshine Diary that you lived in Gainsville - I live in South Riding!! Such a small world! My step-dad was also in Navy and I just started training for my first marathon! Congrats on your little one :)
