
Monday, March 31, 2014

My 5 Must Haves

Charlotte is almost 3 months now, and some days I feel like I've finally got a hang of this whole mom thing until 2.5 seconds later the unexpected happens. Well at least there was a split second when it seemed like the stars aligned just for me. It's really not that bad. I would say I have more star aligning moments than not, but I would be lying if I told you I didn't have any help. Below are my top 5 baby items that I couldn't live without. These are my lifesavers that help me through those rough days.

  1. The Boppy - She LOVES her Boppy. It's so nice to be able to put her next to me on the couch and interact with her. It keeps her slightly elevated which helps for spitting up and her reflux but is also comfortable enough for her to take a quick nap in. I like that these grow with your baby as well.
  2. Crib wedge - This is my newest purchase and it works wonders! We had Charlotte in our room for the first few months mainly for our convenience. She slept through the night in her Rock-n-Play and I wasn't about to change that routine. I knew she was going to outgrow the Rock-n-Play soon so it was time to face the crib. Just as I feared she kept waking up in the middle of the night. I tried rolling towels under her mattress to elevate it but she would roll off them and wake up with her face pressed against the crib rails (yeah, she wasn't a fan of that as you can imagine). After talking to a few people, I decided to try the crib wedge because it props her up  like the Boppy and Rock-n-Play and is more stable than the towels. Sure enough it worked!
  3. Wubbanub - We love these! She has had them since she was born and they are great because they stay in their mouths a lot better than just a regular pacifier. Because there is a little stuffed animal on the end, it's easy for her to grab and keep it in her mouth. And can we talk about how stinkin' cute they look?!
  4. Formula stacker - When getting ready to go out for the day, it's so much easier to portion out 3 or 4 feedings than to bring the entire tub of formula. You can bring just one or screw on more containers for more feedings depending on how long you plan to be out. It has an easy pour spout so you won't make a mess trying to dump the formula in the bottle.
  5. One piece outfits - I always thought I would want my baby dressed to the nines at all times. That lasted for about a minute. I quickly learned that one piece outfits are your friend. I don't like the idea of leaving Charlotte in her jammies all day but I like the ease of the sleepers. So I went out on a mission to get as many one piece outfits that didn't look like pajamas to wear during the day. Sure, when we go out to see people I will dress her up more, but for errands and lounging around the house it's just not necessary. 
Linking up with Molly and Carly for Funday Monday!
still being [molly]

Friday, March 28, 2014

High Five for Friday

  1. This little girl is growing up too fast! She got in her Bumbo for the first time this week! I think she liked it!
  2. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom, but being back at work is so refreshing. It's good to know that some things will never change. I love my work family!
  3. Etsy orders are keeping me busy. This week I worked on this dress for a little girl's trip to Disney in the summer. I love how it turned out. I think Charlotte needs a few of these.
  4. I just couldn't resist these sweet shabby chic bows from Eola Ella! I didn't realize until just now that I ordered these in my high school colors!
  5. Love taking pictures with my little girl (even if she hasn't mastered the selfie yet). I couldn't resist our first matching outfit....white t-shirts.
Thank goodness spring will finally arrive this week. I can't take anymore of this cold! We just have to get through a chilly, wet weekend and we will be done!

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 4

Seriously, how am I already 4 weeks into this?! I feel like I haven't made much progress, but I also haven't been trying as hard as I know I can. This week really got away from me and I only exercised twice. The first was just walking 2 miles on an incline because my body just wasn't running that day. I've learned over the last few years that listening to your body is the most important. If you're having a bad day and can't seem to run, don't. It's so much better to listen to that warning than risk injury.

I had a great run yesterday that helped boost my confidence. I am getting faster every run and walking less. I will be running 9 min miles in no time!

As far as my actual weight loss goes, it's not as big as I was hoping for but it's better than a gain. I really can't complain considering I didn't run like I should have. I weighed in at 169.6 lbs which is a loss of .6 lbs from last week and .2 from my lowest so far. Slow and steady and in no time I'll be back to where I was, maybe even less!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Black and Brown

For as long as I can remember I never wore black and brown together. In fact I would go as far as chant "Black and brown you wear a frown!". Over the past few years, mixing black and brown has become a trend. I stayed away from it for a while and then I caved. If a dress is made with both black and brown in it, then I can accessorize with both, right?!

So there you have it, a little black, brown and animal print for my edition of What I Wore Wednesday! I hope you are inspired to mix it up a little and step out of your color comfort zone.
Linking up with Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW
pleated poppy

Friday, March 21, 2014

High Five for Friday!

I think going into the office a few days a week really made this week fly by! It feels like it should only be Wednesday, but hey, I'm not complaining!

  1. For St. Patrick's Day, we stayed in but that doesn't mean we didn't celebrate! I got our favorite beer, Cripsin (yes, it's supposed to be served over ice) and used some food coloring to make them festive. It was the perfect way to celebrate with a 2 month old.
  2. My mom was in Disney World last week and brought home this awesome iPhone case. I love that it matches my purse!
  3. Charlotte looked like a little Leprechaun in her outfit. My father-in-law made her shirt, the pants are from Carter's and her bow is from Eola Ella.
  4. I woke up the other morning to find this in my hallway. I love that he thinks the laundry basket is his bed.
  5. My sister's Au Pair, Juli, has been a big part of our family for this last year. Yesterday was her last day with us so we all went to lunch to say goodbye. I wouldn't call this a high five moment, but I just had to share the canvas she made for my sister's family. So sweet! We will miss you, Juli!
I'm very excited for a spring like weekend even if there is snow in the forecast next week. This will be the first weekend in 4 weeks that we will be home the whole weekend. To say I'm looking forward to that is an understatement! Happy Friday, y'all!

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 3

I'm a little bummed this week. I made a few changes that I thought for sure would make me successful, but somehow I managed to gain weight. Not much, but no gain is a good gain. Instead of getting down about it, (because let's face it these things happen) I'm going to focus on the good that came out of it.

The first major change I made to my everyday life was packing up my maternity clothes. This may not sound like a big deal, but I truly think I was using them as a crutch. As long as I had clothes that fit me, it didn't matter what size I was. Now that they are all packed up, it was just the kick in the rear I needed because now I'm being forced to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes!

Another change I made was officially tracking my food using the Lose It! app. It's really simple, you enter in your current weight, your goal weight and how many pounds a week you want to lose. Based off that information it will calculate how many calories a day you can have to achieve your goal. You also get to add calories based off your daily exercise. This program works best for me because I'm not a health food nut so I can eat what I want, just in moderation. This combined with exercise has proven to be successful for me.

Lastly, as I mentioned before, I finally started running! I ran 3 days this week and plan to run 4-5 times next week! I am not stressing over miles, just 30 minutes a day. Every run is faster than the one before which helps me to keep coming back the next day. I'm not going to lie, this week has left me nearly crippled from muscle soreness, but I know that will only get better as I slowly get back into shape.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday - Back to Work

Yesterday was a big day for me. It was my first time back in the office since I had Charlotte. I'm not going to lie, it felt like the first day of school. I was excited, nervous and anxious all at the same time!

One of the biggest challenges I've had over the past 9 weeks, is figuring out how to dress this new body. I have learned that pants and jeans are my biggest struggle and if I want to wear my pre-pregnancy wardrobe, dresses and tights are my friend. 

For my first day back I decided to wear something a bit more fitted than what I've been sporting lately. It felt good to be able to wear a pre-pregnancy dress!

I apologize in advance for these pictures, I decided to do mirror selfies instead a full on photo shoot. 
Linking up with Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW!
pleated poppy

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Nothing like a few inches of snow to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! With the roads a mess it looks like we will be celebrating at home, but I don't mind because I have this sweet little girl to entertain me.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 14, 2014

High Five for my First Friday Back!

  1. I started back at work this week and have been lucky enough to work from home as I start to transition back to the office. I'm not going to lie, it's nice having this view but I'm definitely looking forward to being in the office. It's hard to work from home when you constantly have to stop what you're doing to take care of an infant.
  2. Milo has been feeling a little neglected lately and hardly pays any attention to Charlotte, so when he was sleeping on the bed I saw an opportunity. This lasted about 15 seconds before he decided the "hairless kitty" was not his favorite.
  3. In all the work I did for Charlotte's nursery, I forgot about getting a mobile! With a gift card, Kohls cash and a 30% off coupon, I decided now was the time. I thought this mobile was absolutely adorable and matched her room perfectly!
  4. We went to the river this weekend and met up with Charlotte's grandparents and cousin. Little Jacob seemed to really like her. He kept calling her "baby" and loved snuggling her.
  5. I've been super busy these past few weeks making applique shirts for customers. Here are just a few of my favorites before they shipped this week.
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 2

Another week has come and gone and I'm still struggling with a good routine. I started back at work this week, but I'm working from home so my schedule is still thrown off a bit.

I somehow managed to waste away all the beautiful weather we had last week and didn't run. In my head I crave running, but I just can't seem to get my butt out there. I know once I get at least one run under my belt, I will be coming back for more. I just need to get over this hump. So this week my one goal is to run twice, no more excuses! For real!

The good news is I am still working on my eating and making progress everyday. I'm by no means perfect, but I've definitely cut out a lot of soda and calories just by portion control. I was hoping for at least a pound a week, but am going to be happy with any loss. I managed to lose .6lbs putting me at 169.6. This means I am finally under the 170 mark!

Just remember, you don't have to have a perfect week to still be successful in losing weight. If you have a bad day, just start new the next day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tips for Bringing Your Baby to Disney

Most people will think I'm crazy for having even considered taking a newborn to Disney World, but I just couldn't stay away!

Many people plan their big family vacations a year or more in advance and might not even be expecting a little one, but by the time their trip comes around, they might have an infant. Whether that's the case, or you just want to share the magic with your little one early, here are some tips to help make your trip go a little smoother.

Tip #1: Be Flexible
If this is your first trip to Disney, being flexible might not be very easy, but in the long run it will pay off. A Disney trip can be stressful for everyone, so be ready to change plans at the drop of a hat. Don't get me wrong, you can still plan out your day, but don't plan every minute. When you have an infant, just like a toddler, a meltdown can happen at any time. The more willing you are to leave a park or sit out a ride, the more enjoyable the trip. 

Tip #2: Use the Baby Care Centers
Disney provides a baby care center at every park for your family. USE IT! It is a dedicated building with the amenities every parent with a small child will find useful. There are private nursing rooms, a changing room with multiple changing tables, a kitchen and a room to feed your baby while keeping your other children entertained with a movie. They even sell common necessities you might have forgotten such as food, diapers and wipes. Even after you've taken care of business, they are a great place to relax and recharge without even leaving the park!

Tip #3: Ride Rides
Many moms think they have to sacrifice having fun so they can take care of the baby or other small children who can't ride the rides. Don't be a martyr! Disney doesn't always advertise this, but every cast member knows about it; it's called Rider Swap. Here's how it works: one adult waits with the small children while everyone else rides the ride. The person who was waiting then gets to bypass the regular and ride the ride with up to two other members from your party because who wants to ride a ride all alone? Now you have no excuse for not getting to ride the attractions!

Tip #4: Baby Transportation
Most likely, you will be bringing your own stroller to Disney especially if you have a baby who still is in a carrier. I suggest bringing a small stroller such as a snap-n-go. The simpler and more lightweight it is, the better. Remember, you will getting on and off buses and will want something that is easy to break down with little bulk. I also suggest you bring a baby wearing device such as a Moby wrap or Baby Bjorn. These are great when Disney forces you to leave your stroller outside but still want your little one to experience the attraction. In fact, the small attractions with slow moving rides will allow you to bring your baby. After all, you paid all this money to go, you might as well let your infant experience some of the fun with you!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Charlotte's Two Month Update

We've survived another month! Charlotte has her two month checkup this afternoon, so I will update her weight and length later. In the mean time, here are her pictures from yesterday's two month photo shoot. I couldn't capture a good smile, but she was quite content with everything.

Eating - Charlie LOVES to eat! Since last month, we've bumped up her feedings from 3oz to 4oz every 3 hours. She seems to do well with that amount, but I have a feeling we will be going to 5oz sooner than later.

Sleeping - Charlotte has really started becoming very alert during the day. She takes little cat naps when we are at home, but if we go out, she sleeps the whole time. Sometimes I take her out just to get her to sleep some. When she's awake she's generally a happy baby so I really can't complain.

At night, she will often eat at 9 and then sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning which is nice. But I would really like for her to sleep those six hours after eating at midnight so she can sleep through the night. Last night she did just that; ate at 11:30pm and didn't wake up again until 6am! Let's see if we can keep that up! Generally when she wakes up in the middle of the night it's very easy. A quick diaper change and a bottle and she goes right back down.

Just like last month, she seems unsure of Minnie sitting next to her. I love that i got the same picture a month later! I'm going to see how many months I can get her to do this.

Likes and Dislikes - As I said before, Charlotte is a very good baby. We have a few hours in the evening that she's fussy, but other than that she's happy. She loves hanging out in her boppy, but still does not like laying flat in her crib just yet. Her favorite game is peek-a-boo. Dirty diapers make her angry, but once you take it off, she's happy again. Tummy time is fun for a few minutes until she spits up and lays her face in it. Charlie loves being talked to and will smile real big when you get close.

That about sums up her two month update! Wish us luck as we get her vaccinations this afternoon. I have a feeling it will be harder on me than her. Can't wait to keep sharing these updates with you!

Check out last months update here:

Linking up with Molly @ Still Being Molly for Funday Monday!
still being [molly]

Friday, March 7, 2014

High Five

After a successful and fun Disney trip last week and a being busy playing catch up this week, these past two weeks have really flown by. I can't believe that Charlotte is almost two months and I go back to work on Monday! Time to enjoy my last free weekend!

  1. Charlotte smiles a lot these days. This is just one of the many sweet moments we have daily.
  2. Her first trip to Disney was a huge success. Definitely different than any other trip, but by the end of the week, I was getting a hang of having a baby in Disney.
  3. My new favorite food/treat to get while in Disney; a cakecup. It's a topsy turvy version of a cupcake. It is the most amazing dessert to get while in the Magic Kingdom.
  4. On our last night at Animal Kingdom Lodge, this was sent to our room. None of us really know why we got it, but it was delicious! It was the perfect end to a great week in Disney!
  5. Lilly Pulitzer and Estee Lauder teamed up to do a gift with purchase this month. My mom was sweet enough to pick one up for me. I'm obsessed with having a Lilly cosmetic bag now!
Enjoy the weather this weekend and don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour! It's time to spring forward and enjoy the extra hours of sunlight in the evening! This means warm weather is just around the corner!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 1

I know it's only been 3 days since I started this chapter in my weight loss, but it's amazing what a few days of not overeating and drinking lots of water can do. I feel so much better already!

I have failed in the exercise department though. The snow really threw me off. Not to mention, my buried treadmill did not get dug out, but that is the goal for this weekend. I'm actually craving a good run and with nice weather this weekend it would be a sin not to get out there!

What did the scale say? I have to say, I was pretty surprised with the number. Today's weight was 170.2 which is a loss of 3.4 lbs! I'm guessing it was so big because of water weight. Cutting out the soda and drinking 100 ounces of water a day, really helps. My goal is to lose 1-2 lbs a week until I reach my goal weight.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Influenster Box #2

When I got the email that I would be receiving another Influenster box, I was so excited. I absolutely loved the first box I got so I couldn't wait to see what goodies would be in this one. As you can see, this one did not disappoint!

Vaseline Men Spray Lotion - Ironically, the item that is meant for men is my favorite. My husband gave this lotion a try and loves it. It's nice that it rubs in easy and doesn't leave a greasy residue. He can use it and immediately get dressed. What guy wants to stand around waiting for their lotion to dry before getting dressed?! I hate the pageantry of putting lotion on, so I had to give this a try for myself. If only it didn't have a man scent, I would be using this every day. I know they make it for women, so I think on my next trip to Target, I'll be picking up my own bottle.

Boots Botanics Clay Mask - I'm not one to do face masks very often, but when I gave this one a try, I loved it! It left my skin feeling super soft and clean. Its very liquidy when you first apply it but then it hardens a little. I found it easy to wipe off and didn't leave my skin all red and irritated.

Kiss Lashes - This is the second pair of lashes I've received this month. These lashes look so much nicer than the ones I received in my Ipsy bag. They are fuller and softer than other lashes. I can't wait to have an event wear I can justify wearing falsies. Do you wear them casually or just for special occasions?

Red Rose Tea - I'm not much of a tea drinker, but my mom is so I plan to give these tea bags to her to try. She loves all the different flavors, so she can tell me which ones are the best. 

Hershey's Kisses - What girl doesn't want to get a big bag of chocolate in the mail?! These Hershey's Kisses

John Frieda Frizz Ease - I'm always hesitant to try hair smoothers because I work so hard to give my hair volume and I don't want anything that could potentially flatten it. This product was the right amount smooth without losing volume. Give it a try!

Disclaimer: I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. My opinions are 100% my own!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Let's Do This!

When I first started this blog, it was to help hold me accountable with my running and weight loss. Now that I'm 7 weeks postpartum, it's time to start up again. Since I had a c-section, I had to wait and get cleared by my doctor. I was cleared last week and then went on a week long vacation to Disney! Now that I'm back home, it's time to get my rear in gear!

I had every intention to start running today, but there is about 6 inches of snow in my way and my treadmill is blocked by about a thousand boxes. I also don't like my weigh in days to be on Mondays because it makes the weekends super hard. So I've decided that I will weigh in on Thursdays. Until I can run outside or clear my treadmill (whichever comes first), I will focus on my eating.

For the hard part, sharing my current weight: 173.6 It's the most I've ever weighed, and I hate it. The good news is, I know it will come off because I've done it before. It just takes time and dedication. So here's to fitting in to my skinny jeans again!

Check back on Thursday to see my progress!