
Friday, January 3, 2014

High Five for 2014!

This is the first official High Five for Friday of 2014! Charlotte's official due date is tomorrow and I am ready to start this year off with the best little gift ever! Now if only she would cooperate and come sooner than later. This week didn't consist of any fun or exciting plans, but in the coming days or weeks all that will change. We are just saving our energy for our world to be turned upside down (in a good way of course)!

  1. I decided on NYE since we didn't have any fabulous plans, that I was going to treat these club feet to a little TLC. I got my 2nd pedicure while pregnant and it was just what the doctor ordered. It was so nice to just sit, relax and get pampered for an hour.
  2. There is something about grocery store cookies that make me feel like a child. I see it and I just HAVE to have it! This little snowman brightened my day.
  3. Milo has been so sweet lately. I know, how could he get any sweeter? Well, he did. He loves to just lay next to me wherever I am. This is him snuggled up with my snoogle (pregnancy pillow).
  4. Yay for some snow! I hate the mess and hazard it causes, but it never gets old to look at. I was doing some cleaning yesterday and every time I took a break, I would sit by the window and watch the snow fall. This picture was taken when we went on our nightly walk. I just kept saying, "I love snow!"
  5. One of my Christmas presents was a box of embroidery thread! It doesn't look exciting to the average person, but if you craft or embroider, you know what a commodity this is! Embroidery thread is one of those things that I hate spending money on, so to find this under the tree was quite the treat!
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!


  1. Love that emroidery thread! I didn't know you embroidered :)

  2. Haha! I got a bowdabera for Christmas and I was so excited. Ha! It's what my life has come to!

  3. I've been considering an embroidery machine. Which one do you suggest? I love sewing, but have never embroidered before.
