
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

WIWW - Outtake Edition

This week I decided to switch it up and introduce you to the not so glamorous side of blogging. I got this idea from my fellow blogging friend, Clare over at Clarabelle. She always has the best outfit pictures (girlfriend should be a model), but recently she started sharing her hilarious outtakes and I decided to dig up some old pictures and see what ridiculousness I could find (not a .

In the beginning, I would set up my tripod and put my camera on a timer and attempt to take my own pictures. Let me tell you, that is not for the faint of heart. It takes FOREVER to get a decent shot and usually there is something wrong because you didn't have someone telling you that your hair is sticking straight up, so you have to set the shot up all over again.

After a few weeks of doing this on my own, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and needed to enlist my husband for help. A standard outfit shoot with him goes something like this: I strike the typical girl pose, he snaps a million pictures in hopes that I'll be satisfied with one and we can be done. I usually try out different poses and continue to move around while he snaps away and we either strike gold or end up with one of the following pictures. Enjoy!

I think this was my husband's attempt at an artsy shot. Clearly I'm not amused.
 Even the bump pictures can get wild. I'm pretty sure this face was made because my cheeks hurt from smiling for so long (I could never be s celebrity).
I think I'm about to snatch the camera right out of his hands.
 I feel so awkward sometimes and don't know what to do with my hands (insert Ricky Bobby's quote from Talladega Nights here)
 Thank you for just jumping the gun and snapping pictures when I'm not ready. NOT!
 One of the most unattractive faces I've made. Apparently when I'm done taking pictures, I'm done.
 Just your typical bossy picture. It wouldn't be an outfit post if I wasn't yelling at him for something.

I'm going to leave you with this little gem. There are no words.
Hope you enjoyed a little laugh at my expense! I know I did. I must give a special thanks to the man behind the camera who has the patience of a saint when taking my picture week after week. I give him a hard time, but he really does a great job photographing my outfits, but an even better job at capturing these candid moments!
Linking up with Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW

pleated poppy


  1. Haaaaahahahahaha, these are great.

  2. LOL LOL LOL! These are amazing! Your face is so expressive. You still look way gorgeous, though! xo

  3. these are funny, Melissa! I delete mine right away so I don't have to look at them again ;)

  4. These are really funny!

    PS, your Instagram button isn't working. :/
