
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 34 Update

I almost didn't do a post this week because I couldn't get it together. I have just been dragging lately. I still think I can do it all, and after I do one task I realize I am too tired to do anything else. So this week, I have been working on cooking dinner every night after work and cleaning the house which has left little time for this here blog. But after not missing a week since I started, I realized I couldn't miss this week. We are so close! I can't stop now!

How far along?: 34 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash
Total weight gain/loss: 40lbs
The Bump: Feeling like it's going to pop!
Symptoms: Typical third trimester woes...back aches, swelling and numbness in my hands (most annoying of them all)
Food Cravings: Still eating the same. I have yet to crave something where I have to have it right then.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Restless. My numbness in my hands and arms is the worst at night when I try to sleep. Any tips or tricks with this?
What I miss: Same things - my old body, being able to breath and having energy. But all that will be back eventually!
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: Lots of strong kicks and rolls. Feels extremely weird sometimes.
Maternity Clothes: Ready to pack them up!
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting lots accomplished around the house. It has felt like forever since I deep cleaned. Glad I did it, but I'm definitely paying for it as far as aches and pains.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: I have an appointment next week and I'm super curious to see what position she's in. Hopefully she has flipped.