
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 32 Update

Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, I have caught a little cold and since I can't really take anything, I've just been feeling run down. But I did manage to muster the energy and do a chalkboard update!

How far along?: 32 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Jicama (Apparently it's a Mexican root)
Total weight gain/loss: 37lbs
The Bump: Feeling huge!
Symptoms: Heartburn still going strong and general comfortableness has set in.
Food Cravings: The usual, always wanting something sweet.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Very restless at night. It doesn't help that I have a cold and can't breath through my nose, so sleep is the worst part of the day.
What I miss: Bending over without having to hold my breath.
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: Lots of kicking and rolling this week. My stomach visibly twitches throughout the day. I can almost start to tell what body part is where.
Maternity Clothes: Always looking for a good piece on sale. The Target Cartwheel app has 25% off your entire Liz Lang purchase, so that has come in handy!
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: Had another doctor's appointment and my swelling had gone down and I got to hear her little heart beat again. There is something magical that I can't explain about listening to the heart beat. It makes everything seem so real.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: I'm getting all ready for the holidays. I can't wait for Thanksgiving, a little Black Friday shopping, Christmas and then baby time!


  1. Hope you get to feeling better soon! I can't believe we are both so close to the end!

  2. Hope you get to feeling better soon! I can't believe we are both so close to the end!

  3. I'm sorry that you've been feeling crappy girl! I don't miss those days! Hard to sleep when you are getting up to pee every hour. Just know it will be over in a few weeks. Love the name you picked also.. if it makes you feel any better you still look adorable.

  4. Oh and I added your button to my blog today! ;)
