
Friday, November 1, 2013

High Fives

It's November! These next two months are my most absolute favorite months of the year. The holidays are finally here! I hope everyone had a great Halloween. It was a little disappointing for us as we did not get a single trick-or-treater. I was so ready to pass out candy, but I guess now it's just all for me!
  1. I was so excited to get to pick out some stuff from Girls Crochet Headbands! They have the best stuff for little girls at an even better price! All of this was just $50! I can't wait for Charlotte to get here and she can model everything.
  2. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me post that I was doing a project with some Lilly fabric scraps. Here it is! I made pillow cases and appliqued Minnie heads out of Lilly fabric. I love how they turned out and I think they work perfect in the nursery!
  3. In honor of National Cat Day this week, here is my Milo. He used to only lay and snuggle with my husband, but lately he has been wanting to be close to me. I absolutely love it!
  4. As mentioned last week, we drove up Skyline drive on Saturday to see the leaves changing. It was absolutely beautiful!
  5. Even though there were no trick-or-treaters, we had to show we were ready! Here I am modeling the pumpkin shirt I made with some of my favorite decorations.
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!
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  1. GAHH!! Love the petti romper and tulle skirts! and you look adorable in that shirt lady! Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo

  2. YAY! Congrats on your babe!! I love little things! Isn't is so fun shopping for a baby!? found your blog from h5FF!
    hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Oh man, if my husband had known about National Cat day I'm sure he would have found some way to celebrate it and take lots of pictures of our cats...
    I love little baby girl clothes. I don't have any upcoming baby girls in my family at all but their clothes section always draws me in!

  4. Love your shirt! So glad to have stumbled across your blog via Lauren Elizabeth's H54F!! Always tickled pink to come across another Disney fan! ;)
    Officially your newest GFC follower and am looking forward to enjoying your future posts! ...would love to have you stop by and visit me at sometime!
    Hope you're enjoying a fabulous first weekend of November :*)
