
Friday, May 10, 2013

My High 5's

Another slow week on the blog, but I promise its for a good reason! I have been crazy busy this week with various embroidery and sewing projects. I'm making flower girl tutus for my friends wedding and various miscellaneous embroidery projects. So needless to say my evenings have been super busy and blogging didn't make the list. HOWEVER, next week should be better and I have a few post ideas up my sleeve so stay tuned! Now, onto my favorite weekly post - High Five for Friday!
  1. One of my embroidery projects for a friend. I thought this was such a great idea! His nieces and nephew are coming to down and visiting DC so he got them a bunch of touristy stuff (hence the fanny packs) for their visit.
  2. While waiting for my car to get fixed I found myself at a Goodwill. When I saw this just sitting there all by itself, I knew I HAD to have it! Can't beat the price - $5!
  3. My in-laws came to visit on Saturday and they brought their sweet dog, Penny. She and Milo seemed to tolerate each other pretty well.  Still unsure of one another, but I think this picture means they are friends.
  4. No weekend is complete without getting your sweet fix at Sweet Frog! 
  5. There is this great seafood restaurant practically in our backyard and the outdoor bar was open with a live band! I think this is going to be one of my favorite summer hang out spots.
This weekend is Mother's Day so we are heading to Richmond for a friends' graduation party and to see Christopher's family. Should be a nice weekend. We are hoping to drive top down so pray that the weather holds up!

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!
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  1. So lucky! I love when restaurants have live bands! and so close to your home? win win! Have a great weekend

  2. i LOVE finding sweet stuff at thrift stores. I also love Disney. SO double jealous of your great find!
