
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Week 1 Weigh In

Made it through one of the hardest weeks, in my opinion, for dieting: week one. This is the week that you go from eating whatever you want when you want it to actually counting points and making conscious decisions to eat the right thing.

This week was definitely a success. I was even away from the office most of the week, but managed to avoid temptation. I was so worried about having to eat out while in DC. Usually I will cave and eat whatever I want justifying that I was on my feet at a tradeshow all day and deserved it. Then this came to mind:


I'm such a picky eater (not liking many fruits and vegetables) that dieting for me is all about portion control. It also means to chose smarter from the menu instead of ye ol' faithful chicken tenders and French fries. (Yes I'm aware I eat like a five year old, don't judge.)

So here it goes, the scale says I'm down 3 lbs and that is more than I could have hoped for! Every pound lost is one step closer to getting where I want to be.

Since week one is traditionally the hardest week for me because I suffer withdrawl from the things I love, sugar, soda, and fatty foods I decided to not start a work out regiment until week two. Now that I have the eating thing down I can start running and lifting weights again.

All-in-all I'm happy with how this week went and hope for some big numbers again for week two!


  1. Congrats! And that's smart not to add a workout regimen yet. Weight Watchers even has you wait until week 3 I think to start one.

  2. Congrats!! I am back to week 1 after last's weeks vacation. Thank goodness for green tea!

  3. It sounds like you have a good plan! I used to be so bad about ordering the bad stuff off menus, but lately I've learned that I really do enjoy the healthier options and feel better after eating them too.

    Also, you've won the Liebster Award :) Here is more info -
