
Monday, January 14, 2013

Playing House

Is it already Monday?! I shouldn't complain. My weekend was both relaxing and productive so I couldn't ask for anything more. Exactly 1 year ago on Saturday (Jan 12th) we closed on our house. It's amazing how fast a year flies by when you're having fun!

Saturday was spent "winter" cleaning by officially organizing and storing our Christmas decorations and scrubbing the house. It was in major need of some TLC. We spent the evening playing board games and making a home cooked meal. Simply put, we stayed in and played house.

Love my house back to normal after Christmas!

We were really hoping for a warm and sunny Sunday so we could take the convertible out, but unfortunately we were with heavy fog all day. So depressing and gross out! But alas, we made the best out of a bad weather situation and cooked breakfast at home, hung out with the family and ended the evening with a nice dinner out.

Here's a typical weekend outfit. Didn't feel like looking like a bum or dressing up, so here's my happy medium! Nothing jazzes up a dreary Sunday like a Disney t-shirt and glitter Toms!

 Thank you BIG for my Disneyland shirt!

So as you see, nothing majorly exciting happened, but sometimes those are the best weekends. We laughed, played and worked as a team to get the things that needed to be done, done.

Hope you had a great weekend and got some sunshine with the unseasonably warm temperatures!

 Linking up with Molly @ Still being Molly for YOLO Mondays



  1. Your adobe is gorgeous! Love the red walls! And those glitter TOMS, too cute!

  2. love the outfit, weekends are def best spend doing nothing but cooking and relaxing with fam!

  3. sounds like a really nice weekend
