
Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekends in December

I love weekends in December. It's hard not to wake up happy when your house smells and looks like Christmas! Weekends in December are busy, not the bad kind of busy where you hardly get a moment to breath, but exciting and fun busy. There is shopping to do (one of my most favorite things!), parties to attend and crafts to be made. This weekend we did it all.

Friday night we went to see Rise of the Guardians at a "new to us" movie theatre. The theatre was in a local town center we had never been to so we enjoyed walking around and seeing all the shops before the movie. Seeing Christmas-y things like this never gets old.

Saturday we woke up early and ran errands (only fun ones of course). I am attempting to make a skirt I found over at Delusions of Grandeur (tutorial to follow next week) so the fabric store was top on the list! Apparently everyone and their mother needed to craft Saturday too. I successfully got all my supplies for $20 which made me super happy!

We had a holiday party to go to on Saturday night which was a blast. Not only do I enjoy my Christmas decorations but I LOVE seeing how other people deck their halls too! Look at the unique tree topper my friend does!
A top hat! How cute is that?! She bought the hat from JoAnn Fabrics and cut a hole in the bottom so it would fit on the tree. Isn't she crafty?
Sunday was another busy day. Church in the morning followed by a beautiful Redskins victory! The rest of the day was spent working on my tulle skirt. I can't wait to debut it this weekend at my company's holiday party! Too excited to wait, here is a sneak peak:

Please note: This is a work in progress!

Linking up with Molly @ still being [Molly] for YOLO Mondays



  1. AHH you made a tulle skirt?!?!??!?! jealous! i wish i could sew! i want one so bad!

  2. That chrismas tree is beautiful - I haven't seen any Christmas trees yet! Isn't that wierd? :(

  3. Sounds like you had a full, but fun weekend! And what a clever friend you have...lovely tree topper.

    Lastly, I SO can't wait to see the finished product of this skirt, it looks super cute already.


  4. That Christmas tree topper is THE best!!!!!!!!!!
