
Thursday, November 8, 2012

MK Giveaway

Hello friends! First and foremost, I want to say THANK YOU to all my readers, that's you! I started this blog 4 months ago to hold me accountable for my marathon training. But along the way I started having fun with it and now it has morphed to what you see today! So again, I thank YOU for standing by me and reading!

Now, for today's post. As some of you might have seen on last week's High 5 for Friday, I decided to start selling Mary Kay. Makeup has always played an important role in my life because I was not one of those girls with a perfectly even complexion and dark features. Instead, my face is covered in freckles (and no, not the cute kind where you have like a few dozen on your cheeks and nose) I'm talking full on millions of freckles everywhere. I secretly hope they all connect one day and I can be a super tan person. Features on my face don't stand out, so makeup has always played a key role in helping me with that. Over the years I have learned what works and what doesn't.

I discovered Mary Kay when I was 18 and the rest is history. Don't get me wrong, there were times in college where I was in a pinch and hit up the local drugstore to get my fix, but I always found my way back to Mary Kay. It just seemed to do the job. I was always happiest when I had my Mary Kay face on. I've tried MAC and other products, but for me I could never justify the cost.  So here I am, selling a product that I not only love but use every single day.

Since I am having my Mary Kay launch party this weekend, let's celebrate by hosting a giveaway! How about a $40 MK gift certificate?!  Check out the Mary Kay product line here! Now are you ready to win?! There are two chances to win below. Contest closes end of day on Monday, the 12th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you place an order through me by November 10th, you will get 10% off your entire purchase! Just mention this blog with your order. You can email me your order:

Happy shopping!


  1. I have never tried mary kay but I want to!

  2. YAY! I love MaryKay!

  3. OH! I would totally try some new lip gloss or the brushes ;)

  4. I am going to try some new lip stick!

  5. i would love to try the nail polish

  6. I would like to try the nourishine plus lip gloss and the satin hands lotion.

  7. I want to try the Simply Cotton® Eau de Toilette.

  8. Love your giveaway!

    Me too, I just started a GIVEAWAY!!!
    Come join it!
    A loser like me

  9. ups! Forgot to tell you that I'd really like a creamy lipstick =)
