
Friday, November 30, 2012

High Five Catch-Up

I know I didn't do a high five last week so here is a little catch-up since then.  I was really dreading this week after a short week, but surprisingly it went by fast! We have lots on the schedule for this weekend, but all in all it should be a good time.

Here are my top five things from the past few weeks:
  1. Milo can just be so sweet sometimes. I brought home a few new "steals" and found him sleeping on them.
  2. We finally found a media console with a fireplace that we both liked! (You've probably already seen it here). We got this little gem at Lowe's. We were able to fit this into the budget because my parent's were willing to pay someone to paint their bedroom and bathroom. I of course saw the opportunity and volunteered.
  3. On Thanksgiving the big Dallas vs Redskins game was on so I of course had to send an "intimidating" picture to my mom (HUGE Cowboys fan). I found a really good use for my newly purchased yellow jeans. :)
  4.  LOVE this time of year and came home to a surprise from the husband. He bought Christmas cookies for dessert one night. I of course couldn't resist the urge to pull out the "Santa's Cookies" plate.
  5.  After a long Monday I found these little beauties in Target and had to restrain from purchasing. I could see myself wearing these everyday after work. I'm sure that's perfectly normal right?
Happy weekend everyone. So excited its almost December!

 Linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk and Jeannette @ Life Rearranged. 

Photobucketlife rearranged


  1. love the picture of you ready to tackle someone that's the best

  2. what a cute plate! love it!

    happy friday friday! xo, sarah grace

  3. I lived in Arlington, VA until I was 10 and although I'm a raging NE Patriots fan, I'm also a Redskins fan! That Thanksgiving win was awesome!!! And your kitty is so cute! Mine does the same thing, he will find something comfy, even if it's just a napkin, and lay on it!

  4. yay!! matching fake fireplace media things!! :) looks like you had a great week, mel!

  5. Great job finding a console you both like! The boy and I are currently trying to do that as well! It is a lot harder than it looks!

  6. Great job finding a console you both like! The boy and I are currently trying to do that as well! It is a lot harder than it looks!

  7. Those cookies look like they're amazing! I need to bake some festive cookies now. :)

    I would love for you to stop by and say hi!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. who doesn't want to wear footie pajamas after work? I definitely say it's normal :)

  9. Hey Melissa! Target is seriously the best place ever, what a great find. Have a great weekend!

    Stop by and say hi sometime --
