
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Disneyland's Cars Land

Today for my Disney Thursday post, I am featuring my blogging big sister, Kailyn! She is basically the best thing since sliced bread. She helps me with all aspects of this blog. Make sure to check out her blog at Wandering Free! You will see we have something pretty special in common. So without further ado, here is Kailyn!

Hello fellow readers of A Little Bolt of Life! I'm Kailyn from Wandering Free. As I'm sure you all know, Melissa is completely Disney obsessed. Well, guess what..SO AM I! I recently took a trip to the happiest place on earth..twice in 2 weeks. I know, obsessed much? But I really wanted to get my Cars Land on!

It's the most amazing part of California Adventure. It's like you're walking onto the set of the movie. Everything is identical, it's insane. You actually experience Radiator Springs. See pics below:
Pretty crazy, right? Those are pics from the first trip. My best friend and I did a walk through during the day, and went on Radiator Springs Racers that night, but I didn't take any pictures. But lucky for you guys, I went again last week with the boyfriend and took as many pics as possible on the ride! It's crazy how real it all is. Please excuse some of the blurry ones, the car was pretty speedy!

Pretty freakin cool, right?! It's like you're IN the movie. I know, I know, isn't that how most rides are? But I swear this is the most realistic ride, like ever! The other rides in Cars Land are mainly for kiddos, like Luigi's Flying Tires, it's kinda like bumper cars, except it's ran on air...weird, I know.

So..basically Cars Land is the greatest land ever invented and you NEED to go there like riiiiiiight now! I promise you won't regret it! Happy November bloggy friends! xoxo kailyn