
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Training Tuesday - Week 13

As you know, I've been on vacation all week. HOWEVER, I've still managed to work out according to my training program!! I'm very happy about this because I've always been the girl who "says" I'm going to work out, but never do. Don't get me wrong, I always have the intention, I mean I waste the room in my suitcase to bring everything, I just never "get around to it" (that's the excuse I use any way).

So for those of you following my training, let me catch you up on what you might have missed! I had a rough week last week. I was supposed to run 13 miles but the weekend came and went and no miles were ran. Lucky for me, my friend convinced me to run the 13 on Tuesday (instead of Saturday - stats here) before I left for vacation and boy am I glad I did!

Moving on to this week. Since I had a long run last week, I only had a 4 mile run on the schedule for Saturday along with my two training runs. I counted the 13 miles on Tuesday as a training run (yes, it counts as last week's long run, AND this week's training run. I never claimed to be perfect). Then I found the gym at the resort and ran 3 on Thursday and 4 on Saturday.

Here are my stats for those workouts:

 Ok, I'm aware this run is only 2 miles, but there is a reason for that. The machine quit (I could have accidentally hit the emergency stop button) on me after 1 mile! There isn't much to tell. The first mile was 9:43 so I did a total of 3 miles in 28:19 (my math could be wrong, but you get the picture).

 You will notice these runs seem slower than my other treadmill runs. That is because my treadmill sits in my every so slightly sloped downward garage and the calibration might be off, so it's good to run other treadmills to see how different it is. :)

In case you missed it on Friday's update, here is a snapshot of the 13 mile run:

Disclaimer: You'll notice the pace is a 12min mile.  This is because we walked the last 3 miles due to the fact we didn't bring water or gels....ooops

I plan to run 13 again this weekend to get prepared for the Heritage Hunt Half Marathon, then the following week is the Army 10 Miler. I guess it's safe to say my training is now in full force!

Here is one of my favorite pictures from the trip so far. I don't care how old you are, there is something about that castle that is just breathtaking. Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you!

Grab a button and link up with me and tell me how your training is going!


  1. This is going to be great inspiration for me to get going! I love your blog and am now following!

  2. Congrats on running on vacation! That's fantastic. And the view of the castle is great! I love it. I want to go to Disney for Halloween or Christmas to see the decorations.
