
Monday, September 17, 2012

New Projects and Fun

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know we did! The weather was absolutely perfect! It also helped that I had Saturday COMPLETELY off. We made sure to make good use of a beautiful Saturday.

We got an early start (out the door by 9:45! Don't judge, this is early for us) on Saturday by dropping the car off for an oil change (is it just me or do other people also loathe putting money into their car for routine maintenance? Do you know how much more fun I could have with my oil change money?!) I digress. While we waited for our car to be worked on, we took a stroll around the local town festival! We had a good time seeing all the local vendors out and about. Here are some pictures from Haymarket Day!

Fun parade promoting the local businesses

No festival is complete without a petting zoo and llamas! Don't they look sweet?

I wanted to go down that awesome slide but was told it was for kids only.

In other news.... we have been talking about making our garage into a usable bonus space. Kind of like a game room. It's only a 1 car garage and so our SUV will only fit if the garage is completely empty. So instead of keeping our car in there, we use it as storage and a workout room.

The big project to get it looking more like a room and less like a garage was to paint it! I will share the finished project with you sometime next week. In the mean time here is a look at the original space!

Weekend Milo picture for your enjoyment! :) 

Linking up with Molly @ Still being [Molly] for YOLO Monday! 



  1. My husband is supposed to change our would be nice to use that maintenance money for something else. I find I still take my car for oil changes. LOL

  2. I hate paying money for anything dealing with my car. I had to buy new tires last month. It was the worst. It's going to be paid off in December, so I think I'll be a little less bitter after that happens.

  3. HAHAHHA your cat pic is awesome.
