
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Training Tuesday - Week 9

So there is good and bad news to report on my Marathon training. The bad news is: I only did 1 of 2 maintenance runs. I have no excuse, just pure laziness. The good news: I survived my 9 miles! It was the longest run I've tackled since the half marathon in February, so I was happy to finish still standing. Here is the breakdown of the two runs.

Last Tuesday we went to my parent's for dinner, but I was determined to not let eating supersede running. We were meeting them around 6:30 so by the time I got home from work and changed, I didn't have time to run at home. I decided to change into my workout clothes so there would be no excuses to not run at my parent's. Since dinner wasn't going to be ready until 7:30, I had just enough time to get a 30 min run in on their treadmill. Let me just say, their treadmill is HARD! I felt like I was sprinting uphill the whole time! Here is what I did:

Sorry for the blurry picture!

Since my sister-in-law came in on Thursday evening, I skipped that run and waited until Saturday for my next run. The Jeff Galloway program had me scheduled for 9 miles so I was determined to get it done! As you probably read in yesterday's post, I survived! My friend and I met up at the Manassas Battlefield at 7:30AM to run. 1:45 min later, we were done! I never felt so good! Here are some pictures of the beautiful scenery.

 Ran past this sign. Not sure if that was a good or bad idea!

 Just a wide open space right in the middle of the battlefield: Glorious!

 Ran across some emergency vehicles. A lot of runners run this trail on Saturday mornings, I hope everything was ok.

The stone house just 1.5 miles before the end!
Last but not least, here are our stats for our run. All in all I'm pretty happy with them. Not only did I run a very unique and hilly terrain, but I ran it at a faster pace than my half marathon! 

 On the schedule for this week are two maintenance runs and a 4 mile long run on Saturday. It's good to have an easy week after a 9 mile run. After all, it only gets longer and longer from here!
Good luck this week on your fitness goals! If I can do it, then I know for sure so can you!


  1. Look at YOU! So fit and fab, fab FAB!

  2. wow! you are kicking BUTT, girl. seriously. i need to stop being lazy. sheesh.

  3. Keep up that hard work!!! :)

  4. A) Good job!! and B) Judging from where you run, you live just a few minutes away from us! I had no idea!! :) xo
