
Friday, August 10, 2012


AND it's Friday again! I hope everyone had another great week.  I can't believe we are already a few weeks into August. I was just thinking about buying a super cute white lace dress and then realized how impractical that would be considering Labor Day is less than a month away! Oh well,  I'm ok with saying good bye to summer. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year!

Moving are my top 5 things from this week!

  1. Best part of my Monday was when I was sitting in traffic and looked to my right to see this little gem.  I love that a hardcore motorcycle dude and a stuffed Mickey Mouse secured to the back. It's the little things that make me smile. :) (Now I'm trying to plan a Disney trip in the near future)
  2. This weekend I'm taking my mom to see Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw in concert! I got the tickets from my work so we get to watch the concert in our company suite!
  3. I re-purposed some hooks that I found at Kirklands. They are meant to be hung vertically, but when I saw them, I thought they would make perfect curtain tie backs by hanging them sideways. What do you think?
  4. I can't help but share this perfect little picture. How does a sweet little face like this not make you smile? This is my niece, Hadleigh, she is 4 months old.
  5. Lastly, on Wednesday we celebrated my dad's birthday! We all went out to a great restaurant in a small town nearby and had a great time! I got a great sound clip of all of us ending the night with a Beetles sing-a-long in the car! (I think it's too incriminating to share) It's so fun to make memories like these even though we are all grown up.
I'm pretty excited about my weekend with Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw. What are YOUR weekend plans?
Link up here!


  1. Not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous that you get to see Kenny and Tim in concert. For five years in a row, my best friend and I would go see Kenny!

    Found you through High Five for Friday! Cute blog. Hope you'll come check me out.

  2. oh man i hope you guys have an amaaaazing time at the concert!! loveyougirl!

  3. I've nominated you for Liebster blog award, you can check out all the info here on our blog...

