
Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Update

We meet again, Monday. Don't you feel like Monday's come waaay too fast? I shouldn't complain because this weekend was filled with family, food, and fun! Not to mention a little work and productivity as well.  All of that combined makes for a GREAT weekend!

I started my weekend off with a haircut.  I love having short hair but I hate that it needs to be cut every 6 weeks. Oh well....makes for a good hair day!

No Friday is complete without our weekly (ok sometimes I have been known to go here a few 3 to 4 times a week! But Friday is mandatory) trip to El Vaquero West (AKA "Our Little Mexican Restaurant"). They have the best white queso and $5 big beers! How big you ask? Is 36oz sufficient? I know....perfection!

Running was another item on my to do list for the weekend. I was scheduled to run 5.5 miles and I DID IT! I haven't run in a few weeks, but I was determined to get my long run in no matter what. I was able to do the run in 52:38 which is about a 9:34 mile. I'm happy with anything under 10 min miles...SUCCESS!

My in laws came up to drop off an old pump organ we bought from an antique store. We all went to dinner (both sets of parents) and had a great time! It was a little taste of our cruise in March! We are so excited to finally have the organ in its permanent home! Doesn't it look great?! Can't beat the deal we got, $150!

Late night Olympic viewing of gymnastics and swimming was the perfect end to a perfect weekend. Can't wait to watch some medal events later today! Let me know how YOUR weekend was and what you did.

Check back tomorrow for my first ever GIVEAWAY! It's my way of saying thank you to all of you who voted and helped me come in second place for the Cutting Edge Stencils contest!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Kenny would LOVE to have that pump organ! It's beautiful, and looks great in that room.
